forge inspect


forge-inspect - Get specialized information about a smart contract


forge inspect [options] contract_name field


Get specialized information about a smart contract.

The field to inspect (field) can be any of:

  • abi
  • b/bytes/bytecode
  • deployedBytecode/deployed_bytecode/deployed-bytecode/deployedbytecode/deployed
  • assembly/asm
  • asmOptimized/assemblyOptimized/assemblyoptimized/assembly_optimized/asmopt/assembly-optimized/asmo/asm-optimized/asmoptimized/asm_optimized
  • methods/methodidentifiers/methodIdentifiers/method_identifiers/method-identifiers/mi
  • gasEstimates/gas/gas_estimates/gas-estimates/gasestimates
  • storageLayout/storage_layout/storage-layout/storagelayout/storage
  • devdoc/dev-doc/devDoc
  • ir
  • ir-optimized/irOptimized/iroptimized/iro/iropt
  • metadata/meta
  • userdoc/userDoc/user-doc
  • ewasm/e-wasm
  • errors
  • events


    Format output as JSON.

Cache Options

    Clear the cache and artifacts folder and recompile.

Linker Options

--libraries libraries
    Set pre-linked libraries.

    The parameter must be in the format <remapped path to lib>:<library name>:<address>, e.g. src/Contract.sol:Library:0x....

    Can also be set in your configuration file as libraries = ["<path>:<lib name>:<address>"].

Compiler Options

    Activate the Solidity optimizer.

--optimizer-runs runs
    The number of optimizer runs.

    Use the Yul intermediate representation compilation pipeline.

    How to treat revert and require reason strings.

--use solc_version
    Specify the solc version, or a path to a local solc, to build with.

    Valid values are in the format x.y.z, solc:x.y.z or path/to/solc.

    Do not access the network. Missing solc versions will not be installed.

    Do not auto-detect solc.

--ignored-error-codes error_codes
    Ignore solc warnings by error code. The parameter is a comma-separated list of error codes.

--extra-output selector
    Extra output to include in the contract's artifact.

    Example keys: abi, storageLayout, evm.assembly, ewasm, ir, ir-optimized, metadata.

    For a full description, see the Solidity docs.

--extra-output-files selector
    Extra output to write to separate files.

    Example keys: abi, storageLayout, evm.assembly, ewasm, ir, ir-optimized, metadata.

    For a full description, see the Solidity docs.

--evm-version version
    The target EVM version.

Project Options

    Generate build info files.

--build-info-path path
    Output path to directory that build info files will be written to.

--root path
    The project's root path. By default, this is the root directory of the current git repository, or the current working directory.

-C path
--contracts path
    The contracts source directory.
    Environment: DAPP_SRC

--lib-paths path
    The path to the library folder.

-R remappings
--remappings remappings
    The project's remappings.

    The parameter is a comma-separated list of remappings in the format <source>=<dest>.

--cache-path path
    The path to the compiler cache.

--config-path file
    Path to the config file.

    This is a convenience flag, and is the same as passing --contracts contracts --lib-paths node-modules.

-o path
--out path
    The project's artifacts directory.

    Suppress all output.

Common Options

    Prints help information.


  1. Inspect the bytecode of a contract:

    forge inspect MyContract bytecode
  2. Inspect the storage layout of a contract:

    forge inspect MyContract storage
  3. Inspect the abi of a contract in JSON format:

    forge inspect --json MyContract abi


forge, forge build