forge bind


forge-bind - Generate Rust bindings for smart contracts.


forge bind [options]


Generates Rust bindings for smart contracts using alloy.

The bindings are generated from the project’s artifacts, which by default is ./out/. If you want to generate bindings for artifacts in a different directory, pass --bindings-path <PATH>.

There are three output options:

  • Generate bindings in a crate (default)
  • Generate bindings in a module by passing --module
  • Generate bindings in a single file by passing --single-file

By default, the command will check that existing bindings are correct and exit accordingly. You can overwrite the existing bindings by passing --overwrite.


Project Options

-b path
--bindings-path path
    The project’s root path. By default, this is the root directory of the current git repository, or the current working directory.

--crate-name name
    The name of the Rust crate to generate, if you are generating a crate (default).
    This should be a valid crate name.

    Default: foundry-contracts

--crate-version semver
    The version of the Rust crate to generate, if you are generating a crate (default).
    This should be a standard semver version string.

    Default: 0.0.1

    Generate the bindings as a module instead of a crate.

    Generate bindings as a single file.

    Overwrite existing generated bindings. By default, the command will check that the bindings are correct, and then exit.
    If --overwrite is passed, it will instead delete and overwrite the bindings.

--root path
    The project’s root path. By default, this is the root directory of the current git repository, or the current working directory.

    Skip Cargo.toml consistency checks.
    This allows you to manage the alloy version without giving up on consistency checks.
    An example would be if you use additional features of alloy and get a version mismatch.

    Skips running forge build before generating binding.
    This allows you to skip the default forge build step that’s executed first and instead generate bindings using the already existing artifacts.

    Don’t add any additional derives to generated bindings.

--alloy-version version
    Specify the alloy version on Crates.

--alloy-rev rev
    Specify the alloy revision on GitHub.

    By default all contracts ending with Test or Script are excluded. This will explicitly generate bindings for all contracts. Conflicts with --select and --skip.

--select regex+
    Create bindings only for contracts whose names match the specified filter(s). Conflicts with --skip.

--skip regex+
    Create bindings only for contracts whose names do not match the specified filter(s). Conflicts with --select.

Common Options

    Prints help information.

Cache Options

    Clear the cache and artifacts folder and recompile.

Linker Options

--libraries libraries
    Set pre-linked libraries.

    The parameter must be in the format <remapped path to lib>:<library name>:<address>, e.g. src/Contract.sol:Library:0x....

    Can also be set in your configuration file as libraries = ["<path>:<lib name>:<address>"].

Compiler Options

    Activate the Solidity optimizer.

--optimizer-runs runs
    The number of optimizer runs.

    Use the Yul intermediate representation compilation pipeline.

    How to treat revert and require reason strings.

--use solc_version
    Specify the solc version, or a path to a local solc, to build with.

    Valid values are in the format x.y.z, solc:x.y.z or path/to/solc.

    Do not access the network. Missing solc versions will not be installed.

    Do not auto-detect solc.

--ignored-error-codes error_codes
    Ignore solc warnings by error code. The parameter is a comma-separated list of error codes.

--extra-output selector
    Extra output to include in the contract's artifact.

    Example keys: abi, storageLayout, evm.assembly, ewasm, ir, ir-optimized, metadata.

    For a full description, see the Solidity docs.

--extra-output-files selector
    Extra output to write to separate files.

    Example keys: abi, storageLayout, evm.assembly, ewasm, ir, ir-optimized, metadata.

    For a full description, see the Solidity docs.

--evm-version version
    The target EVM version.

Project Options

    Generate build info files.

--build-info-path path
    Output path to directory that build info files will be written to.

--root path
    The project's root path. By default, this is the root directory of the current git repository, or the current working directory.

-C path
--contracts path
    The contracts source directory.
    Environment: DAPP_SRC

--lib-paths path
    The path to the library folder.

-R remappings
--remappings remappings
    The project's remappings.

    The parameter is a comma-separated list of remappings in the format <source>=<dest>.

--cache-path path
    The path to the compiler cache.

--config-path file
    Path to the config file.

    This is a convenience flag, and is the same as passing --contracts contracts --lib-paths node-modules.

-o path
--out path
    The project's artifacts directory.

    Suppress all output.

