forge geiger
Detects usage of unsafe cheat codes in a project and its dependencies
$ forge geiger --help
Usage: forge geiger [OPTIONS] [PATH]...
Paths to files or directories to detect
--root <PATH>
The project's root path.
By default root of the Git repository, if in one, or the current
working directory.
Run in "check" mode.
The exit code of the program will be the number of unsafe cheatcodes
--ignore <PATH>...
Globs to ignore
Print a report of all files, even if no unsafe functions are found
-h, --help
Print help (see a summary with '-h')
Display options:
--color <COLOR>
The color of the log messages
Possible values:
- auto: Intelligently guess whether to use color output (default)
- always: Force color output
- never: Force disable color output
Format log messages as JSON
-q, --quiet
Do not print log messages
-v, --verbosity...
Verbosity level of the log messages.
Pass multiple times to increase the verbosity (e.g. -v, -vv, -vvv).
Depending on the context the verbosity levels have different meanings.
For example, the verbosity levels of the EVM are:
- 2 (-vv): Print logs for all tests.
- 3 (-vvv): Print execution traces for failing tests.
- 4 (-vvvv): Print execution traces for all tests, and setup traces
for failing tests.
- 5 (-vvvvv): Print execution and setup traces for all tests.