A Swiss Army knife for interacting with Ethereum applications from the command
$ cast --help
Usage: cast [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>
4byte Get the function signatures for the given selector from
<> [aliases: 4, 4b]
4byte-calldata Decode ABI-encoded calldata using
<> [aliases: 4c, 4bc]
4byte-event Get the event signature for a given topic 0 from
<> [aliases: 4e, 4be,
topic0-event, t0e]
abi-encode ABI encode the given function argument, excluding the
selector [aliases: ae]
access-list Create an access list for a transaction [aliases: ac,
address-zero Prints the zero address [aliases: --address-zero, az]
admin Fetch the EIP-1967 admin account [aliases: adm]
age Get the timestamp of a block [aliases: a]
artifact Generate an artifact file, that can be used to deploy a
contract locally [aliases: ar]
balance Get the balance of an account in wei [aliases: b]
base-fee Get the basefee of a block [aliases: ba, fee, basefee]
bind Generate a rust binding from a given ABI [aliases: bi]
block Get information about a block [aliases: bl]
block-number Get the latest block number [aliases: bn]
call Perform a call on an account without publishing a
transaction [aliases: c]
calldata ABI-encode a function with arguments [aliases: cd]
chain Get the symbolic name of the current chain
chain-id Get the Ethereum chain ID [aliases: ci, cid]
client Get the current client version [aliases: cl]
code Get the runtime bytecode of a contract [aliases: co]
codehash Get the codehash for an account
codesize Get the runtime bytecode size of a contract [aliases:
completions Generate shell completions script [aliases: com]
compute-address Compute the contract address from a given nonce and
deployer address [aliases: ca]
concat-hex Concatenate hex strings [aliases: --concat-hex, ch]
constructor-args Display constructor arguments used for the contract
initialization [aliases: cra]
create2 Generate a deterministic contract address using CREATE2
[aliases: c2]
creation-code Download a contract creation code from Etherscan and
RPC [aliases: cc]
decode-abi Decode ABI-encoded input or output data [aliases:
abi-decode, --abi-decode, ad]
decode-calldata Decode ABI-encoded input data [aliases:
calldata-decode, --calldata-decode, cdd]
decode-eof Decodes EOF container bytes
decode-error Decode custom error data [aliases: error-decode,
--error-decode, erd]
decode-event Decode event data [aliases: event-decode,
--event-decode, ed]
decode-string Decode ABI-encoded string [aliases: string-decode,
--string-decode, sd]
decode-transaction Decodes a raw signed EIP 2718 typed transaction
[aliases: dt, decode-tx]
disassemble Disassembles a hex-encoded bytecode into a
human-readable representation [aliases: da]
estimate Estimate the gas cost of a transaction [aliases: e]
find-block Get the block number closest to the provided timestamp
[aliases: f]
format-bytes32-string Formats a string into bytes32 encoding [aliases:
format-units Format a number from smallest unit to decimal with
arbitrary decimals [aliases: --format-units, fun]
from-bin Convert binary data into hex data [aliases: --from-bin,
from-binx, fb]
from-fixed-point Convert a fixed point number into an integer [aliases:
--from-fix, ff]
from-rlp Decodes RLP hex-encoded data [aliases: --from-rlp]
from-utf8 Convert UTF8 text to hex [aliases: --from-ascii,
--from-utf8, from-ascii, fu, fa]
from-wei Convert wei into an ETH amount [aliases: --from-wei,
gas-price Get the current gas price [aliases: g]
generate-fig-spec Generate Fig autocompletion spec [aliases: fig]
hash-message Hash a message according to EIP-191 [aliases:
--hash-message, hm]
hash-zero Prints the zero hash [aliases: --hash-zero, hz]
help Print this message or the help of the given
implementation Fetch the EIP-1967 implementation for a contract Can
read from the implementation slot or the beacon slot
[aliases: impl]
index Compute the storage slot for an entry in a mapping
[aliases: in]
index-erc7201 Compute storage slots as specified by `ERC-7201:
Namespaced Storage Layout` [aliases: index7201, in7201]
interface Generate a Solidity interface from a given ABI
[aliases: i]
keccak Hash arbitrary data using Keccak-256 [aliases: k,
logs Get logs by signature or topic [aliases: l]
lookup-address Perform an ENS reverse lookup [aliases: la]
max-int Prints the maximum value of the given integer type
[aliases: --max-int, maxi]
max-uint Prints the maximum value of the given integer type
[aliases: --max-uint, maxu]
min-int Prints the minimum value of the given integer type
[aliases: --min-int, mini]
mktx Build and sign a transaction [aliases: m]
namehash Calculate the ENS namehash of a name [aliases: na, nh]
nonce Get the nonce for an account [aliases: n]
parse-bytes32-address Parses a checksummed address from bytes32 encoding.
[aliases: --parse-bytes32-address]
parse-bytes32-string Parses a string from bytes32 encoding [aliases:
parse-units Convert a number from decimal to smallest unit with
arbitrary decimals [aliases: --parse-units, pun]
pretty-calldata Pretty print calldata [aliases: pc]
proof Generate a storage proof for a given storage slot
[aliases: pr]
publish Publish a raw transaction to the network [aliases: p]
receipt Get the transaction receipt for a transaction [aliases:
resolve-name Perform an ENS lookup [aliases: rn]
rpc Perform a raw JSON-RPC request [aliases: rp]
run Runs a published transaction in a local environment and
prints the trace [aliases: r]
selectors Extracts function selectors and arguments from bytecode
[aliases: sel]
send Sign and publish a transaction [aliases: s]
shl Perform a left shifting operation
shr Perform a right shifting operation
sig Get the selector for a function [aliases: si]
sig-event Generate event signatures from event string [aliases:
source Get the source code of a contract from a block explorer
[aliases: et, src]
storage Get the raw value of a contract's storage slot
[aliases: st]
storage-root Get the storage root for an account [aliases: sr]
to-ascii Convert hex data to an ASCII string [aliases:
--to-ascii, tas, 2as]
to-base Converts a number of one base to another [aliases:
--to-base, --to-radix, to-radix, tr, 2r]
to-bytes32 Right-pads hex data to 32 bytes [aliases: --to-bytes32,
tb, 2b]
to-check-sum-address Convert an address to a checksummed format (EIP-55)
[aliases: --to-checksum-address, --to-checksum,
to-checksum, ta, 2a]
to-dec Converts a number of one base to decimal [aliases:
--to-dec, td, 2d]
to-fixed-point Convert an integer into a fixed point number [aliases:
--to-fix, tf, 2f]
to-hex Converts a number of one base to another [aliases:
--to-hex, th, 2h]
to-hexdata Normalize the input to lowercase, 0x-prefixed hex
[aliases: --to-hexdata, thd, 2hd]
to-int256 Convert a number to a hex-encoded int256 [aliases:
--to-int256, ti, 2i]
to-rlp RLP encodes hex data, or an array of hex data [aliases:
to-uint256 Convert a number to a hex-encoded uint256 [aliases:
--to-uint256, tu, 2u]
to-unit Convert an ETH amount into another unit (ether, gwei or
wei) [aliases: --to-unit, tun, 2un]
to-utf8 Convert hex data to a utf-8 string [aliases: --to-utf8,
tu8, 2u8]
to-wei Convert an ETH amount to wei [aliases: --to-wei, tw,
tx Get information about a transaction [aliases: t]
upload-signature Upload the given signatures to <>
[aliases: ups]
wallet Wallet management utilities [aliases: w]
-h, --help
Print help (see a summary with '-h')
-j, --threads <THREADS>
Number of threads to use. Specifying 0 defaults to the number of
logical cores
[aliases: jobs]
-V, --version
Print version
Display options:
--color <COLOR>
The color of the log messages
Possible values:
- auto: Intelligently guess whether to use color output (default)
- always: Force color output
- never: Force disable color output
Format log messages as JSON
-q, --quiet
Do not print log messages
-v, --verbosity...
Verbosity level of the log messages.
Pass multiple times to increase the verbosity (e.g. -v, -vv, -vvv).
Depending on the context the verbosity levels have different meanings.
For example, the verbosity levels of the EVM are:
- 2 (-vv): Print logs for all tests.
- 3 (-vvv): Print execution traces for failing tests.
- 4 (-vvvv): Print execution traces for all tests, and setup traces
for failing tests.
- 5 (-vvvvv): Print execution and setup traces for all tests,
including storage changes.
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