forge bind
Generate Rust bindings for smart contracts
$ forge bind --help
Usage: forge bind [OPTIONS]
-b, --bindings-path <PATH>
Path to where the contract artifacts are stored
--select <SELECT>
Create bindings only for contracts whose names match the specified
Explicitly generate bindings for all contracts
By default all contracts ending with `Test` or `Script` are excluded.
--crate-name <NAME>
The name of the Rust crate to generate.
This should be a valid crate name, however, this is not
currently validated by this command.
[default: foundry-contracts]
--crate-version <VERSION>
The version of the Rust crate to generate.
This should be a standard semver version string, however, this is not
currently validated by this command.
[default: 0.1.0]
Generate the bindings as a module instead of a crate
Overwrite existing generated bindings.
By default, the command will check that the bindings are correct, and
then exit. If --overwrite is passed, it will instead delete and
overwrite the bindings.
Generate bindings as a single file
Skip Cargo.toml consistency checks
Skips running forge build before generating binding
Don't add any additional derives to generated bindings
--alloy-version <ALLOY_VERSION>
Specify the `alloy` version on Crates
--alloy-rev <ALLOY_REV>
Specify the `alloy` revision on GitHub
-h, --help
Print help (see a summary with '-h')
-j, --threads <THREADS>
Number of threads to use. Specifying 0 defaults to the number of
logical cores
[aliases: jobs]
Cache options:
Clear the cache and artifacts folder and recompile
Build options:
Disable the cache
Whether to compile contracts to EOF bytecode
--skip <SKIP>...
Skip building files whose names contain the given filter.
`test` and `script` are aliases for `.t.sol` and `.s.sol`.
Linker options:
--libraries <LIBRARIES>
Set pre-linked libraries
Compiler options:
--ignored-error-codes <ERROR_CODES>
Ignore solc warnings by error code
Warnings will trigger a compiler error
Do not auto-detect the `solc` version
Specify the solc version, or a path to a local solc, to build with.
Valid values are in the format `x.y.z`, `solc:x.y.z` or
Do not access the network.
Missing solc versions will not be installed.
Use the Yul intermediate representation compilation pipeline
Changes compilation to only use literal content and not URLs
Do not append any metadata to the bytecode.
This is equivalent to setting `bytecode_hash` to `none` and
`cbor_metadata` to `false`.
Includes the AST as JSON in the compiler output
--evm-version <VERSION>
The target EVM version
--optimize [<OPTIMIZE>]
Activate the Solidity optimizer
[possible values: true, false]
--optimizer-runs <RUNS>
The number of runs specifies roughly how often each opcode of the
deployed code will be executed across the life-time of the contract.
This means it is a trade-off parameter between code size (deploy cost)
and code execution cost (cost after deployment). An `optimizer_runs`
parameter of `1` will produce short but expensive code. In contrast, a
larger `optimizer_runs` parameter will produce longer but more gas
efficient code
--extra-output <SELECTOR>...
Extra output to include in the contract's artifact.
Example keys: evm.assembly, ewasm, ir, irOptimized, metadata
For a full description, see
--extra-output-files <SELECTOR>...
Extra output to write to separate files.
Valid values: metadata, ir, irOptimized, ewasm, evm.assembly
Project options:
-o, --out <PATH>
The path to the contract artifacts folder
--revert-strings <REVERT>
Revert string configuration.
Possible values are "default", "strip" (remove), "debug"
(Solidity-generated revert strings) and "verboseDebug"
Generate build info files
--build-info-path <PATH>
Output path to directory that build info files will be written to
--root <PATH>
The project's root path.
By default root of the Git repository, if in one, or the current
working directory.
-C, --contracts <PATH>
The contracts source directory
-R, --remappings <REMAPPINGS>
The project's remappings
--remappings-env <ENV>
The project's remappings from the environment
--cache-path <PATH>
The path to the compiler cache
--lib-paths <PATH>
The path to the library folder
Use the Hardhat-style project layout.
This is the same as using: `--contracts contracts --lib-paths
[aliases: hh]
--config-path <FILE>
Path to the config file
Display options:
--color <COLOR>
The color of the log messages
Possible values:
- auto: Intelligently guess whether to use color output (default)
- always: Force color output
- never: Force disable color output
Format log messages as JSON
-q, --quiet
Do not print log messages
-v, --verbosity...
Verbosity level of the log messages.
Pass multiple times to increase the verbosity (e.g. -v, -vv, -vvv).
Depending on the context the verbosity levels have different meanings.
For example, the verbosity levels of the EVM are:
- 2 (-vv): Print logs for all tests.
- 3 (-vvv): Print execution traces for failing tests.
- 4 (-vvvv): Print execution traces for all tests, and setup traces
for failing tests.
- 5 (-vvvvv): Print execution and setup traces for all tests,
including storage changes.