snapshotState cheatcodes


/// Snapshot the current state of the evm.
/// Returns the ID of the snapshot that was created.
/// To revert a snapshot use `revertToState`.
function snapshotState() external returns (uint256 snapshotId);

/// Revert the state of the EVM to a previous snapshot
/// Takes the snapshot ID to revert to.
/// Returns `true` if the snapshot was successfully reverted.
/// Returns `false` if the snapshot does not exist.
/// **Note:** This does not automatically delete the snapshot. To delete the snapshot use `deleteStateSnapshot`.
function revertToState(uint256 snapshotId) external returns (bool success);

/// Revert the state of the EVM to a previous snapshot and automatically deletes the snapshots
/// Takes the snapshot ID to revert to.
/// Returns `true` if the snapshot was successfully reverted and deleted.
/// Returns `false` if the snapshot does not exist.
function revertToStateAndDelete(uint256 snapshotId) external returns (bool success);

/// Removes the snapshot with the given ID created by `snapshot`.
/// Takes the snapshot ID to delete.
/// Returns `true` if the snapshot was successfully deleted.
/// Returns `false` if the snapshot does not exist.
function deleteStateSnapshot(uint256 snapshotId) external returns (bool success);

/// Removes _all_ snapshots previously created by `snapshot`.
function deleteStateSnapshots() external;


snapshotState takes a snapshot of the state of the blockchain and returns the identifier of the created snapshot.

revertToState reverts the state of the blockchain to the given state snapshot. This deletes the given snapshot, as well as any snapshots taken after (e.g.: reverting to id 2 will delete snapshots with ids 2, 3, 4, etc.).


struct Storage {
    uint slot0;
    uint slot1;

contract SnapshotStateTest is Test {
    Storage store;
    uint256 timestamp;

    function setUp() public {
        store.slot0 = 10;
        store.slot1 = 20;, 5 ether);            // balance = 5 ether
        timestamp = block.timestamp;

    function testSnapshotState() public {
        uint256 snapshot = vm.snapshotState();      // saves the state

        // let's change the state
        store.slot0 = 300;
        store.slot1 = 400;, 500 ether);
        vm.warp(12345);                             // block.timestamp = 12345

        assertEq(store.slot0, 300);
        assertEq(store.slot1, 400);
        assertEq(address(this).balance, 500 ether);
        assertEq(block.timestamp, 12345);

        vm.revertToState(snapshot);                 // restores the state

        assertEq(store.slot0, 10, "snapshot revert for slot 0 unsuccessful");
        assertEq(store.slot1, 20, "snapshot revert for slot 1 unsuccessful");
        assertEq(address(this).balance, 5 ether, "snapshot revert for balance unsuccessful");
        assertEq(block.timestamp, timestamp, "snapshot revert for timestamp unsuccessful");